Export Textile

Omid Ayandegan Export Management Company is active in the field of textile export and has the possibility to cooperate with you, dear producer.

Carpets and rugs

A rug is a type of carpet woven from cotton, wool, and in some cases silk, which is usually used to cover the ground. The hand-knotted tufted and knotted carpet is called a carpet. Because rugs and carpets have often had beautiful roles, nowadays attention is also paid to their decorative aspect. Our jajims are all hand-woven and are made of woolen acrylic thread, silk thread or velvet acrylic thread, and they are woven by hand in different designs and dimensions, and the price varies according to the type of order.



Jajim or Jajem is a type of two-layer underlay. Jajim is hand-woven from a thick fabric similar to Pelas, which is thinner than Plus, and it is woven from colorful and delicate wool or cotton threads or a mixture of the two. Four boards are woven, and after weaving, they are connected and sewn together. Our rugs are all made of woolen acrylic yarn, silk yarn or velvet acrylic yarn, which are woven by machine in different dimensions, and the price is different according to the type of order. Is

Jajims are lint-free and can be used on both surfaces. Nomads use it a lot and it is used as a blanket and protection against the cold. Jajim was the most suitable thing that was put on a chair in the old days, Chichikalme Jajim with a combination of colors and rhombus patterns inside its striped tiles is the most famous in Deh and Shahr. It was forgotten with the abandonment of woven charcoal chairs and the use of Jajim in cities and even in nearby cities, but according to the old custom, the villagers have not abandoned the most suitable winter chair and the old rural women still make their own Jajim in the open air in winter and summer. They stretch around the house and Maidan Deh or any place that is possible and set up a special tripod and weave jajim.

Jajim weaving is customary in the vast majority of villages and rural areas of Iran. The only difference between Jajim is the combination of color and elegance of thread and the patterns they create on it. Eastern, Ardabil, Kermanshah, Kurdistan, Hamedan, Lorestan and Fars, which has long been popular among rural families and tribes. Jajim is used as a mattress, and it is also used for packing and moving furniture and accessories during migration.

Sometimes it is also used as a warm cloth. Even among some rural families, Jajim is given as a gift for the eyes and dowry of young people, and it remains as a precious souvenir for many years in the households.



The rug takes care of it as it is placed on the carpet and makes the carpet stay clean longer. These products are especially useful in homes where there are pets or babies. Today, there are many products in the market that are available in various designs, sizes and materials. Our rugs are all made of woolen acrylic thread, silk thread, or velvet acrylic thread of the best quality, which is woven by machine in different dimensions, and its price is different according to the type of order, the rug is a wonderful product to prevent carpet damage. Is. If you want your carpet to be always healthy, you need a quality carpet


Narmineh blanket

A sweet dream and a warm and soft sleep are not possible without a comfortable bed that is covered with a suitable sleeping product such as a high-quality blanket. But despite the fact that more than a third of our lives are spent in sleep, we are not indifferent to anything as much as the type of blanket we use!

Quality sleep is a guarantee of health, and in order to benefit from it, you need a suitable blanket in addition to a quiet room, a safe space and a suitable pillow. Despite the unique variety of foreign goods in the domestic market, Buying a soft blanket as an Iranian success is a good choice for a quality sleep experience. It is an economical and smart choice that will be practical and efficient for today's lifestyle and all seasons. The blanket you choose to cover up with isn't something you switch to as the seasons change. Usually, a fixed quilt or blanket is used to cover a bed for one to two people, and therefore it is necessary to consider all factors, including the ability to exchange air in the blanket. Takes. Narmine is one of the well-known Iranian brands that produces all kinds of blankets with different designs, quality and materials.

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