Omid Ayandegan Export Management Company is ready to cooperate with you in the export of dried fruits, including pistachios, dates, dried fruits, etc.
Dried Fruit
One of the importance of fruit drying is to pay attention to the fact that by drying all kinds of fruits from spring to winter, we can enjoy different types of fruit in all months of the year.
Dried fruit and nuts have many uses in our lives, for example, first of all, it is useful for our children because they are growing and need to absorb vitamins and minerals, especially when it is October and it is time for them to study. And how good it would be to think more about the nutrition of our children at this time and by preparing some fruit chips and various nuts and dried fruits every day, we would help maintain their health and provide them with enough energy.
Omid Ayandegan Export Management Company offers all kinds of dried fruit with the best quality to you dear ones.
Omid Ayandegan all kinds of dry fruits
Dry melon
Dried melon is a fruit from the melon family, which looks very similar to cantaloupe. This fruit has a smooth and uniform skin. And its color is yellow and the flesh of this fruit is very juicy and pale green in color. They also use this fruit to prepare and prepare desserts.
Low water Melons is a member of the pumpkin family. And due to having a very high amount of vitamin C, it prevents cancerous diseases of the intestine, lung, mouth, etc. Due to the necessity of consuming nutrients, it is recommended during pregnancy. They must have this dried fruit in their diet.

Dried Persimmon
The persimmon tree, which has been planted in most parts of Iran since the distant past, is originally from China and Japan. Persimmons are sensitive to cold and grow in tropical regions. Persimmon fruit in Iran has different types in terms of shape and color; From round and spherical to slightly elongated and from yellow and orange to dark red. The fleshy part of the persimmon is rich in nutrients, sugar and vitamins. This autumn fruit has two types, juicy and non-juicy, both of which become sweet when they are ripe. In the process of drying and losing moisture, their gas flavor is lost and they become sweeter. Due to its high nutritional value, dried persimmon is one of the most popular types of fruit chips and nut and dried fruit products. If you are a fan of the taste of this dry fruit, by buying dried dates from Mzbar, you will have a safe and quality purchase.
Dried Peaches
Dry fruits can be used as a suitable snack to satisfy the feeling of hunger. Therefore, dry fruit can be stored for a long time, and for this reason, dry fruit can be replaced by fresh fruit. one ofthe most characteristic dried fruits. Dried Peach leaves is considered. Benefits of dried peachesIt is also considered one of the most valuable food ingredients and its consumption is very beneficial for health.
One of the delicious snacks is dried peaches, it should be selected during drying Peachpay attention to have enough moisture and diameter, why? Dried Peaches with low diameter and moisture, it does not create a pleasant taste when eating. Fruits are considered to be the only group of foods that have all the nutritional values and are the source of vitamins, antioxidants and fibers that you should use to maintain freshness and avoid any kind of disease.

Dried apple
Some people have the misconception that dried fruits are not as healthy as fresh fruits. This is a mistake that really should not be encouraged. This is because dried fruits like apples have many health benefits. Dried apples are crunchy and delicious and a healthy option for parties. Dried or dehydrated apples are fruits that have had their main juice content removed. . Dried apples are naturally sweet, making them a great, tasty alternative to fresh apples and can be a delicious snack.
acids in dry apples destroy oral bacteria while chewing and clean teeth and gums. Chewing a dry apple is like using a natural toothbrush. Studies show that dry apples can clean the food particles left behind the teeth and gums and prevent tooth decay and gum diseases. Even those who have suffered from gum disease in the past can benefit from the vitamin C rich content of dried apples.
nutrients in dry apples strengthen the structure of teeth. It makes the tooth enamel stronger and prevents the teeth from getting tartar.
beetrooty dry apple
The darkening of dried fruit, especially apples, is one of the concerns of dried fruit producers; one of the solutions to prevent the darkening of dried apples is to use beetroot powder.
Beetrooty dry apple benefits
- without using metabi powder and with a completely natural trick, we prevent the darkening of our apple chips
- the combination of beetroot taste with apple is very delicious
- the red color of the beetroot on the apples increases the marketability and sales of the product
- In addition to being used as a nutritious snack, beetrooty apple is also used as a design for cakes and sweets, desserts and cinnamon.
Export of Pyarom dates:
Pyarom dates:
It is the name of one of the production kind of dates. Pyarom has a high marketability and this product has been able to attract the attention of the world markets. The thin skin of this date is dark brown and its flesh and skin are completely attached to each other, and the sugar in it is fructose. Pyarom dates are rich in sugar, protein and other minerals and have high nutritional value, the fiber in dates is very suitable for the health of the digestive system and nutrition, in addition, dates contain carotenoids or colored substances that are precursors of vitamin A. And it is considered an antioxidant and prevents cells from becoming damaged and cancerous.
vitamin C is another nutrient of dates, which is necessary to prevent dangerous hemorrhagic diseases or scurvy, and every person's body should receive 60 mg of vitamin C during the day, which is approximately 14 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of dates. Is.
Potassium that present in this fruit in a considerable amount, which is necessary to prevent high blood pressure and for the proper functioning of muscles and nerves, which is very dangerous to eat in the body. In addition, dates contain a significant amount of magnesium
Dried Onion
Chemical compounds present in onions prevent blood clotting. These compounds prevent the accumulation of platelets in the arteries as well as the formation of blood clots in the veins. Accumulation of platelets in the arteries as well as the formation of blood clots in the vein are two effective factors in the occurrence of heart and brain attacks. Onions are one of the oldest vegetables used by mankind. This vegetable is not only for flavoring the food, but even for many people, it is considered as gold and they use it in their trade. Dry onion has a pleasant and milder taste than fresh onion.
Raisins are dried grapes. Raisins are rich in iron, potassium, calcium and vitamins of group b. On the other hand, raisins have antioxidant properties and prevent cell destruction. Raisins are the ripe and dried fruit of grapes, which according to the type of grapes, the method and conditions of drying and the available additives are allowed. It is sold under different names in the market, and like other dried fruits, it is found all year round. Raisins are used for nuts, Iranian food, and all kinds of sweets.
Raisins are a good source of energy, fiber, nutrients and carbohydrates. They are also high in sugar, but still low on the glycemic index. Raisins contain zero cholesterol and are rich in various nutrients, which are very beneficial for health and include:
- vitamins: Vitamin C, folate, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and pantothenic acid.
- minerals:Potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and sodium.
that our company is ready to supply the best and highest quality raisins to you dear customers
انواع کشمش
کشمش سبز قلمی
کشمش تیفی
کشمش زرد (دودی)
کشمش آفتابی
کشمش مویز
Dried tomato is considered as a flavoring food that is used in the preparation of all kinds of modern and traditional dishes. Dried tomatoes are rich in vitamin folic acid and large amounts of vitamins needed by the body, which increases appetite, relieves weakness and fatigue, and is also recommended for patients with gout and rheumatism, and you can use it for all kinds of omelets, istanbuli, and pilafs. Use it or grind it and use it in preparing all kinds of stews and soups
Dried vegetables
we all use vegetables in different ways every day, whether fresh or dried, these vegetables have their own unique properties. Dried vegetables are a collection of edible and fragrant vegetables that are used to prepare different foods and somehow make the food tastier. Vegetables that can be dried (mint, wash, thyme
tarragon, cumin, etc.) and they are suitable for drying, they are available in abundance in some seasons and can be used in the preparation of various foods and sometimes drinks. In general, vegetables, both fresh and dried, have countless benefits. Our company has provided all kinds of aromatic dried vegetables with the best quality for you, dear customers.
Export of pistachios:
The importance of dried fruit and nuts
One of the importance of fruit drying is to pay attention to the fact that by drying all kinds of fruits from spring to winter, we can enjoy different types of fruit in all months of the year.
Dried fruit and nuts have many uses in our lives, for example, first of all, it is useful for our children because they are growing and need to absorb vitamins and minerals, especially when it is October and it is time for them to study. And how good it would be to think more about the nutrition of our children at this time and by preparing some fruit chips and various nuts and dried fruits every day, we would help maintain their health and provide them with enough energy.
Omid Ayandegan Holding offers all kinds of dried fruit with the best quality to you dear ones
Raw pistachios with and without skin:
Export level pistachios: It is one of the most delicious and best nuts and foods in the world, which has many fans all over the world. Pistachio is the name of the fruit of a small tree that originates from the Middle East. This fruit tree grows in countries such as Iran, Syria, Turkmenistan and western Afghanistan, and this delicious and lovely food grows on it, which is the Persian and Iranian name of pistachio, and the same name entered the European language.
Pistachios are one of the most expensive types of nuts and dried fruits, which are very famous and loved in the world, and our country, Iran, has been the first exporter of this product in the whole world for many years.
Types of pistachios exported in Iran
as mentioned, there are more than 70 types of pistachios in Iran, all of which have a very good taste and only have small differences in some issues. In the following, we intend to introduce you to some of the best and most well-known types of pistachios, which are sold or even exported more than the rest.
1: Export level pistachios lmonds shaped
One of Iran's well-known export pistachios is almond shaped white pistachios. This pistachio is produced and cultivated in Yazd, Kerman and Khorasan provinces. Badami pistachio is placed in the category of smiling and popular pistachios and the size of this pistachio starts from 26 and is available in the market up to size 38. Features of pistachio almonds:
- small fruit
- white appearance
- dark skin
- elongated and almond shaped
- reasonable price
Ahmad Aghaei export pistachios
This type of pistachio is extremely popular in world markets and many people are interested in buying this pistachio. Ahmed Aghaei Pistachio It is also known as smiling pistachio. The common size of this pistachio starts from 23 and continues up to size 32. Kerman province has the largest production of Ahmad Aghaei pistachios and these pistachios are for export to some European countries such as Italy. An interesting thing to note about Khandan pistachios is that 90% of this product is exported to foreign countries. Features of Ahmed Aghaei pistachio or Khandan pistachio:
- the green color inside the pistachio
- redness of the outer shell
- relatively large and elongated dimensions of almonds
Akbari Pistachio
Akbari pistachio is one of the most well-known and famous types of Iran's exported pistachios in the world, which is another type of smiling pistachio and is known as Iranian pistachio in other countries. This pistachio has an elongated or even very elongated size. Akbari export pistachios are cultivated and produced in sizes 20 to 28 and can be found in the market. Khorasan, Kerman and Semnan are the three main provinces of pistachio production, and Kerman plays a greater role than other provinces.
Features of Akbari export pistachios:
- The most elongated and well-shaped variety of pistachio
- Suitable for designing a stylish nut
- Suitable for export to luxury countries such as Arab countries
Hazelnut pistachio or Ohadi
The highest amount of pistachio exports in Iran belongs to Hazelnut pistachios is. This type of pistachio is used for the production of export products and for export to other countries. Hazelnut pistachios are produced in sizes 28 to 40 and are cultivated in almost all cities of Iran. Kerman has an advantage in the production of this pistachio compared to other provinces and cities. Features of the exported hazelnut pistachios:
- has a green brain
- appropriate size and relatively large
- 11 mm wide and 11.6 mm in diameter
- very tasty and delicious
Ram head pistachios
Kale Ghochi (ram head) pistachios, which are known in the world under the brand name Jumbo, are one of the exported Iranian pistachios. This type of pistachio is one of the largest and largest types of Iranian export pistachios and is considered one of the smiling pistachios. These pistachios are also produced in sizes 20 to 28 and can be harvested and exploited. Another very important point about export pistachios from Kale Ghochi is that due to their large production, they have a more reasonable price than Akbari pistachios.
this pistachio nuts are suitable for use and export to all countries except Canada, India and Gharak. This type of pistachio is suitable for export to Germany, and among other pistachios that you have met, it exports more to Arab countries.
Excellent (Momtaz) pistachios
The main fruit of the premium pistachio is almond-shaped and has a tastier nut compared to other varieties of this product. Its leaves are mostly composed of three leaflets. Introducing this model of early and late flowering pistachios that can be harvested in the third decade of September.
Noogh white pistachios
This product is one of the old pistachios of Rafsanjan, which is grown in Noogh region, which has a warmer climate compared to Rafsanjan. The fruit of this variety is almond-shaped, small in size, and its kernel is green in color. The number of fruits in each cluster is high. Most of its leaves have three leaflets. Since this pistachio can be harvested in the middle of August, it is one of the early models.
Pistachio Shah Pasand Damghan
Shah Pasand pistachio is one of the most famous pistachios in Damghan region. It is also one of the late-flowering and medium clay models that can be harvested in the second decade of September.
khanjari Damghan Pistachio
Khanjari pistachio is shaped like an almond, and the end part of its two edges looks like a dagger, and for this reason, it is called Khanjari pistachio. This type of pistachio is mostly offered in a mixed form in the market.